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2009-5-22 11:01:41   来源:   进入论坛 查看评论()
Yijun,an Eco-scenic Spot
  YiJun,located on the border between northern and middle Shaanxi province,is 1531 sq km in size and 1395 m high.About 96% of the county is covered by forests.The current population is approximately 0.1 million.The transportation here is very convenient,for about 100km to the south lies Xi’an and Xianyang International airport,and only 10 km to the north is the tomb of Chinese ancestor,HuangDi,In the south is so-called “impregnable pass and natural throat”,Jin Suo Guan;in the north lies Qiao Mountiain,where the tomb of Huangdi is situated;in the east is Yangshao Cultural Relics and the west is Yuhua Summer Palace built by the first emperor in Tang Dynasty.
  The county,rich in unique tourism recsoures of northernestern China,owns the biggest oasis on the southernmost tip of loess plateau and nows of precipitous hills and deep gorges.It takes all the geographic advantages to become a senic and cool spot for visitors.As a saying lontten by a port Zhangxiang he in Qing Dynasty goes,“Yijun is where one can enjoy coolness and silence.”From that,the county got its name,YiJun.
  Yijun is full of historical vestiges and cultural relics,including 3 provincial-level and 5 county-level organizations to protect relics.Its relics in old times contain Fudi Grotto,where Buddhists and Taoists were entraved duing North Wei dynasty,some wonderous tales about Leizu teaching ordinany people to nourish silk and weave,Peng Zu,Ghost Gorge,Lady Meng Jiang and general of Yang’s,ect ;in addition,there are folk paper-cutting art that mixes Han nationality and minorities in northern China together,and farmer’s pictures (that are)filled with western culture,which sticks the old and mordern into a whole.Therefore ,they are the hometown of modern folk painting in China”.Clear water meandering across the lush hills,Yijun owes its beauty to natrure .A famous writer,Jia Ping wa ,once wrote in his essay“Biography of YiJun”that “Although small,the county,cool in summer while warm in winter,is a prelious land.”
  Yijun is ecological,leisurable and suitable to make and enjoy your vacations.

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